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Just for you / #5How to… charm the media

#5How to… charm the media

Published on 9 June 2022 Share

Ask an expert! Sarah Hamon, CEO and founder of the S2H Communication firm, which handles influencer and media relations for the fair, offers her pointers for catching the media’s attention. These are love potions that require time, good taste, persuasiveness, a good dose of practicality, and responsiveness!

#1 Master your time

“Watch out: don’t wait until the last minute or the week before to send out invites to the press. Journalists have already put together their schedule for the fair by then, and there’s a relatively minimal chance that they’ll stop by your stand just because you look good. Our advice: put in place a strategy well ahead of time, with a timeline that will allow you to inform the media of your presence at least two months before the fair. Use this to carefully target the publications you’ll be contacting. You can find information online to know which ones covered the previous fair and which have an affinity with your clients.”

#2 Photographic impact

“We might as well tell you right up front: an email, even one that is extremely well written, will not be enough to make journalists want to come visit you. Hence the importance of planning for quality images, preferably taken by a professional photographer. You don’t need a multitude of shots that will bust your communications budget; sometimes, a single photo will suffice. We can very well imagine a gorgeous image of your collection in a realistic setting, or of a key item that embodies its spirit. And finally, this photo must be in circulation well before the fair. But this is why you’ve put together a timeline, right?”

#3 Words matter

“It’s an understatement to say that journalists have many choices when it’s time to select stands they’ll visit during the fair. It is therefore crucial to make them understand how your product offer is different from that of your competitors. To accomplish this, you need to prepare a real story to present your new collection and your new products in a punchy, concise manner. You’re dealing with design and decor specialists here. To motivate them, show them that you have an expert vision of your work. In addition, we’re living in a time when a beautiful product is no longer enough. Journalists want to hear what you have to say about your expert skill, your green approach, your pieces’ creativity, and their innovative quality…Tell them a great story so that they can do the same in the article they’ll write. ;)”

#4 Play the efficiency card

“Journalists don’t have a single second to waste during the fair. When they stop by your stand, they need a highly professional resource that includes all the details they need to write their articles. You could offer them a practical kit with elements of your story, your photos (ambiance and for clips, in HD, professional quality), a well-written press release, your catalogue in a PDF format, your logo, etc. And how do you present it? Forget printed press kits (journalists only have two arms) and USB keys (they aren’t eco-friendly and are already a bit dated). Focus instead on a small double-sided printed card, ideally on recycled paper, with a lovely image that will refresh the journalist’s memory and, on the back, a QR-code link to download the press kit.”

#5 Action/Reaction

“Reports, trends, and the most beautiful objects spotted at the fair…These sorts of articles are published almost immediately, especially in the online media. So prepare to be ultra-responsive: send a message with a link to the famous kit mentioned above each evening to journalists who stopped by to see you. Don’t hesitate to thank them for their visit and to let them know that you’re available to answer any questions they may have. In short, you’re building a real customer relationship with the media. And that, we’re quite sure, is something you know how to do!”

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